What do we have in store for 2022?

As you know, we’ve already been through quite a lot together this year. It might feel like 2022 has only just started, but with Easter being over, that’s not the truth anymore.

At this point, we finally have a clear plan for the rest of 2022 and are excited to share a small teaser with you!

Ready? Well, buckle up.

1. Our first booster pack is coming!

Launch: summer 2022

We’ve been hard at work these past months, designing cards for a special booster pack that will add a brand-new game mechanic to EFS19!

The new card set will consist of 12 Additional Security Protocol cards. As you may assume from their name, these cards will make your playthrough even harder, so we recommend you get hold of them after you’ve familiarized yourself with the standard EFS19 gameplay.

Upon launch, we will release a Expansion bundle containing a copy of EFS19 and the pack of Additional Security Protocols for an advantageous price.

2. Meet some new faces!

The Protocols booster pack will not only introduce a new game mechanic, but it will also add two new characters to Site 19!

Meet Double Agent (Chaos Insurgency) and the Philantrophist (Manna Charitable Foundation)! What could only be their role and impact..?

3. A translation is on the horizon!

Many of you have been asking us about this since forever and we are finally ready to share some news: with the help of pi0fli and other translators, we’ve put together a Polish adaptation of EFS19. The Polish version will hit the market along with the third batch of EFS19!

4. We’re planning to attend Dragonmeet!

This December, provided no major complications occur, we’ll be attending our first ever live event, which is Dragonmeet in London! Will we see you there?
If you haven’t bought EFS19 yet, this will be the perfect occasion to “touch and feel” the game itself. You’ll be able to have a close look at the cards, components and maybe you can even try playing!

5. We’re spreading the word

From now on, we’re putting more focus on educating those who are not familiar with the SCP world. This will show in the way we communicate, as we would like to make EFS19 more accessible to the general audience of board gamers, as well as maybe help out those who have few SCP friends to play EFS19 with.

We definitely can’t pull this off without a bit of help from our fanbase of SCP geeks, so stay tuned, there will be rewards!

Last but not least, PROMO CARDS! You may remember that toward the end of 2021, we had our fans pick the three SCPs to be featured in 2022’s promo cards. Rest assured, we are hard at work to bring all three chosen SCPs to enter Site 19 really soon!

PS: If you are a die-hard SCP fan, then do we have a big surprise coming up later this year! We are not yet ready to disclose any dates for this one, but for a pretty long time now, many creative minds in our team have been joining forces to write █████ ███ of EFS19 and make it into a ███████ ██ , that will one day form a part of the ██████! Are you hyped? Because we sure are!


Which of the upcoming EFS19 news are you most looking forward to? 

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