The Adventures of Packing EFS19!

If you’ve been following our social media profiles and newsletters, you might remember the snippets we’ve shared of us packing your games. That’s right – US packing the games! Because the times spent assembling and packing your copies of EFS19 are basically meetup sessions for the EFS19 team. Or, at least, for the Prague crew!

This time, we’d like to share the whole process with you in the form of a storyboard. So if you enjoy behind-the-scenes sneak peeks and seeing some of the people who created and packed your copy of EFS19, then check this out!

The Place

All game components are stored inside this little apartment. It belongs to Kamil, the founder of the project. As you can see, it’s full to the brim with game tubes. This sometimes makes it hard to navigate the narrow paths between the mountains of stock, but up to now no one’s been buried in an avalanche of metal tokens. Or at least, not yet…

The Place

The People

Meet Julia, our marketing girl, and Helena, Kamil’s life partner, who both become professional packers whenever it’s necessary!

The People

The Process

Believe it or not, we put our hearts and souls into each and every game we send into the world – and that includes the copy you have! We carefully wrap each parcel to make sure that, even if it were kicked, thrown from a roof, then run over by a herd of buffaloes, the tube inside would still remain safe and sound.

The Process

The Boxes

If you’re admiring our Foundation-stamped components, then you’ll love our matches and duct tape… Okay, well at least we do!

The Boxes

The Car

Can a car this stuffed even start? It can – we’ve been there. This faithful vehicle has delivered hundreds of games to the post office, which is where they begin their journey to you!

The Car