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Nowe protokoły bezpieczeństwa

Pierwszy dodatek do EFS19

Protokoły bezpieczeństwa stworzyliśmy dla tych z Was, którzy już uciekli z Ośrodka 19, ale są gotowi spróbować ponownie, tym razem w Trybie Bestii!

Co znajdziesz w środku?


W takim razie poznaj dwie nowe postaci:
I SCP-5000, które również może wejść w skład gry...


Upgrade to a bundle!

Buy EFS19 with the Additional Security Protocols expansion pack and The SCP-7000 Contest Pack in a bundle.

Out of stock, on pre-order

Martwisz się, że EFS19 nie dotrze na tyle szybko, żeby dać go w prezencie?

Pobierz ten certyfikat zakupu i podaruj go szczęśliwemu odbiorcy zamówienia!


An extreme board game from the SCP universe. Will steal the dark hearts of any horror/adventure RPGs out there.

Out of stock, on pre-order

The Security Protocols are designed for those of you who have already escaped Site 19, but are ready to try again, this time in Beast Mode!

Enhance your Escape from Site 19 experience with this brand new booster pack. Based on the theme of luck, it contains six task cards that’ll test your limits and a Thaumiel with a twist.

Secure, Contain, and Protect your schedule with this perpetual SCP wall calendar

Exclusive set of scented candles inspired by the logos of different Groups of Interest.

EFS19 contains an exclusive Foundation candle, which is integral to gameplay. However, it will burn out over time, so we recommend ordering several of them.